DX5 DX7 XP600 Damper

Additional information

Product name

DX5 DX7 XP600 Damper



Printing Type

Inkjet printer damper


Black for UV Machine, White for Eco Sublimation Machine


Product Details

What’s the function of ink damper?

The AJR Ink damper can increaser the capacity of the filter, protect the printhead from clogging, and also can make the ink smooth.

White casing ink damper can be used for Eco Sublimation Ink, Such as Solvent ink, water-based ink, dye ink, Pigment ink etc.

Black casing ink damper is widely used for UV Ink. Ink damper is very important in one printer, it can extend the life of the printer nozzle.

Are you a manufacturer?

Yes. We are wide format printer parts manufacturer, main products including ink dampers, cap top, Printhead, ink pump, ink filter, ink tube, Color device etc. Match all your printer parts at AJR, we won’t let you down.

If you can’t find the printer parts, please contact us, we are pleased to help you.

How can place the printer parts order? Just need to send an inquiry with the below information:

  • What’s your machine type? UV Printer or Eco Sublimation printer?
  • Please help to send your ink damper picture, so we can check it.
  • In order to check the shipping cost, please help to advise the quantity and details address.
  • After receiving your inquiry, we will reply to you within 24hours.
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